Why Vote for Todd?

A Commitment to Lincoln City’s Future

Todd’s commitment to Lincoln City’s well-being is not only professional but deeply personal. Explore the following key priorities to discover why Todd is the right choice for Ward 1 City Council.

  1. Ensuring Lincoln City’s Long-Term Beauty and Uniqueness: Todd’s top priority is to protect and promote the beauty and uniqueness of Lincoln City. He is committed to securing the city’s vitality for generations to come, ensuring it remains a place we all are proud to call home.
  2. Balancing Resident and Tourist Interests: Todd understands the importance of finding a healthy balance between the residents of Lincoln City and the tourists who visit our beach community. Fostering a harmonious coexistence is vital for the city’s future.
  3. Revamping Vacation Rental Regulations: It’s time to re-evaluate the vacation rental license renewal process, identify what works & what doesn’t, implement changes to improve the process, and ensure that formal complaints/violations have a stronger influence in the decision-making process for renewing existing licenses.
  4. Infrastructure Sustainability: Addressing the city’s maintenance infrastructure needs is a top priority. During 2024, Todd has met with various community members, and leveraged their insight & feedback to drive improvements across the city. Todd will continue to work to bring stakeholders together to collaborate across council, committees, and staff to develop long-term, sustainable solutions.
  5. Empowering the Next Generation: Todd envisions Lincoln City as an attractive destination for the next generation of first-time homebuyers. He has been working with the council as a whole to identify affordable opportunities for next generation to become part of our community, fostering its growth and vibrancy while creating a place where they, too, can raise their children with pride.
  6. Creating Career Opportunities: Promoting new commercial and industrial ventures that offer professional and trade-related careers is essential. Todd will empower our youth and ensure that Lincoln City remains a hub of opportunity for generations to come.
  7. Accountability for Vacation Rental Compliance: Todd is dedicated to holding management companies and homeowners accountable for vacation rental compliance issues, ensuring our community thrives without compromising its character.

By voting for Todd, you’re choosing a dedicated and accountable leader who will work tirelessly to ensure Lincoln City’s future is bright and sustainable for all.